Volunteering - our vision

Our vision is to get people together who are interested in the protection of our nature and securing it for future generations. It is not only about volunteering but also about fostering, educating and of course enjoying and the satisfaction.

Volunteering - there are several groups of potential volunteers that can be divided to:

Local long term residents - this group as locals could be the core of all projects.

Seasonal workers - there may be quite a few kiwi and overseas seasonal workers who care what is going on with our nature and who might like to help while they are here.Nature minded tourists - we are told through the summer season there are quite often overseas tourists who knock on the doors of the Department of Conservation and offer their help. They can be offered some instant volunteering (The clearing of shingle islands on the Eglinton River would be an ideal job for them as it is quite easy and manageable by PC Taylor, Manager of Knobs Flat Accommodation.)Youth - can help significantly. With their enthusiasm they can be led to protect nature and the understanding of why it is important. Youth involvement can also influence their parents.Conservation and other kinds of groups - Forest & Bird, Tramping Club, Lion Club, etc. - all of them can help - they can organise a working bee day, help, enjoy and catch up with others while having a BBQ by the end of the day.